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El castigo sin venganza/Punishment without Vengeance
By Lope de Vega (1631)
Hailed as Lope’s finest tragedy, this elegant work tells the story of the beautiful Casandra, recently married to the philandering Duke. When she falls passionately in love with the Duke’s son, an incestuous and adulterous affair develops. When the Duke learns of it, he contrives a Machiavellian solution to have them both killed under false pretences, enacting a punishment without public knowledge of his revenge. Similar in theme to Don Carlos and Phedre, Punishment without Revenge is the Spanish version of this archetypal tragedy.
See the Out of the Wings online database.

Click here for the digitized manuscript at the Boston Public Library.


See Professor Jonathan Thacker's 2015 edition of El castigo sin venganza.



Marta, la piadosa/Marta the Divine
By Tirso de Molina (1614-1615)
Sisters Marta and Lucía face the loss of their brother with a cocktail of emotions; they are both in love with Felipe, the man who murdered their brother in a duel. Marta, engaged to be married to an old friend of her father’s, feigns a religious calling to avoid the match, while all the time finding endlessly inventive ways of meeting with her lover, Felipe.
See the Out of the Wings online database.




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