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La vida es sueño/Life is a Dream
By Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1635)

The flagship play of Spanish Classical theatre. A battle between fate and freedom, between reality and dream. A tale of honour and duty. A tale of love. This 17th century masterpiece has not lost any of its power over time. The story of Prince Segismundo, imprisoned at birth by his father, King Basilio, in response to an omen. His existential dilemmas and the permanent doubt of life’s reality make this play a match to Hamlet or Oedipus.  


On TVE1 – Spain’s National TV Channel 1 - 3 o’clock news, 29 April 2013:

Un marido de ida y vuelta/A Round-Trip Husband
By Enrique Jardiel Poncela (1939)
Pepe dies unexpectedly during preparations for a fancy dress party at his house, only 5 minutes after making his handsome friend Paco Yepes promise that he will not marry his beautiful wife Leticia after he is gone. Paco, however, does not keep his promise and Pepe returns from the dead, still wearing his Torero outfit, to recover the love of his wife; all this in the midst of all the hilarious and witty absurdity possible.


‘La puesta de largo de Amar en tiempos revueltos en Oxford’ [Amar en tiempos revueltos’ debut in Oxford], TVE1 – Spain’s National TV Channel 1, 21 February 2012.

La dama boba/The Foolish Lady
By Lope de Vega (1613)
Were it not for the enormous dowry that her uncle left her in his will, Finea would be difficult to marry. Although she is beautiful, it is common knowledge that she is a fool. Her sister Nise, with all her wit, fame and love of books, may have gone too far in the opposite direction and, suffering from a much humbler dowry and much higher pretensions, she is struggling to find a husband. 

Otavia, the mother, despairs trying to sort out her daughters' future. In an attempt to solve the most difficult problem first, she arranges for Liseo, a family connection, to marry the foolish Finea. Meanwhile, she hopes that Laurencio, or any other of Nise’s many admirers, will eventually decide to overlook the impertinence of her know-it-all daughter and ask for her hand in marriage.

However, Otavia miscalculates the men’s affections and Finea and Nise only make it harder for their mother. The family's honour will be put at risk as both sisters pursue love, and both suitors pursue the sisters. 

Lope de Vega's comedy is one of the greatest Spanish hits of the 17th century - witty, funny and critical of his society. A play filled with love, honour, duels, books and cats. 
Live music (composed especially for the play) and beautiful costumes from the Royal Shakespeare Company wardrobe. 


Production Team:


Producer – Alejandra Albuerne

Directors – Luis Orellana and Teresa Flórez

Designer – Rachel Beaconsfield-Press

Costume Designer – Sylvia Hong

Stage Manager – Dafydd MacLennan


The Cast:


Segismundo – Antón Morant

Rosaura – Ekaterina Spivakovsky

Basilio – Artem Serebrennikov

Clotaldo – Paco Hernández

Clarín – Teresita Valverde

Estrella – Alejandra Albuerne

Astolfo – Roberto Rubio

Soldier 1 – David Rodríguez Larrea

Soldier 2 – Diego Pardo Amado

Soldier 3 – William Law

Soldier 4 – Chiara Giovanni

Servant 1 – Benedict Nicholson

Servant 2 – Kyran Esparza Mcglacken

Violante – Olivia Peacock

Clorilene – Tiffany Liu

Oracle – Carlo Ferri

Dame 1 – Aelwen Wetherby

Dame 2 – Sarah Peyton-Jones

Dame 3 – Cristina Crichton

Dame 4 – Jessica Small 


Production Team:


Producer – Yolanda Pulido

Director – Alejandra Albuerne

Assistant Director – Marina Pérez de Arcos

Light and Sound Director – Alison Walsh

Costumes – Sara García Rates and Lisa Stuergkh

Production Assistant – David Rodríguez Larrea

Marketing and Publicity – Cecilia Ferreira


The Cast:


Leticia – Marina Pérez de Arcos

Pepe – Roberto Rubio

Paco Yepes – David Rodríguez Larrea

Elvira – Aelwen Wetherby

Díaz – Elias Dinas

Cristina – Melanie Martin

Sigerico – Antón Morant

Amelia – Ellen Gould

Gracia – Alejandra Albuerne

Ansúrez – Luis Orellana

Etelvina – Teresa Flórez

Production Team:    


 Producer – Jack Reilly                        

Directors – Alejandra Albuerne and Alfie Enoch             

Costumes – Lucy Adams                              

 Poster Designer – Ellie Tranter                             

Music Director – Mano Panforreteiro                   

           Production Manager – Hannah McKenna                 

Marketing Manager – Hannah McKenna & Alejandra Albuerne       


The Cast:


Finea – Marina Pérez de Arcos

Nise – Joana-Isabel Duyster Borredà

Laurencio – Antón Morant

Liseo – Mano Panforreteiro (Manuel Vázquez-Pérez)

Celia – Ekaterina Spivakovsky

Clara – Elisa Pérez Badas

Octava – Verónica Cueva Peralta

Maestra – Alejandra Albuerne


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The Oxford Spanish Play

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